In today’s world, we have the amazing opportunity of self-expression and connection to others through new media. With these new media outlets for socializing, connections, and self-expression, comes the trade of privacy. The power of the online social platforms today have such a huge pull on society that it even seems a bit off not to be part of it. Facebook, itself has over billion of users and the majority of them don’t even read the privacy terms when signing up. Facebook can track everything we share, post, search, location and more. People think that services like Facebook only use the information so that they can take the information and apply it to more relevant ads for the user. In reality we compromise our privacy by signing for such services, there is always a monitor of our online activity. Each person has their own preference to their privacy but there are still many users that are unaware of the privacy policy. The privacy policy should be very clear and large instead of small tricky letters to discourage us from reading. Overall, we do receive privileges of using popular sites or new media sources, but they do come with costs of privacy.
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