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          As of today, there are many types of new media technologies and ways of using them. As for the future, there are many ideas storming through my brain; but there is one which I was often thinking of, especially after watching a good futuristic movie. I have to give credit to Donghyun Song and  Can Zheng  for having very similar ideas. I would really like there to be some kind of technology, maybe in a form of contacts but, I honestly don't want to put anything in my eyes; which would enable our brain to connect to the internet or even a virtual world, just by touching our temples in a specific manner. We could browse, comprehend and visualize the internet, the knowledge on the go! Design wise, I see it as some kind of a small chip that's somewhere in our head. Yes, possibly this could create many issues, as well as privacy problems, but, who knows just how and what it would be?! Thank you for reading! -Karol

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